Compile the transit network data with schedules to create GTFS Static files


T4 GTFS Static transit service

GTFS is composed of a static schedule component that includes information about the transit network topology, time schedules and frequencies for specific calendar periods. Our T4 GTFS Static transit service allows you to easily create GTFS Static feeds, serving as the foundation for generating GTFS Realtime data.

  • Create GTFS static data

    Create a detailed transit network map in our eQconnect® cloud transit dashboard, showing terminals, routes and stops. Add schedule information to generate GTFS Static feeds.

  • Import GTFS Static Data

    Import existing GTFS Static datasets into our eQconnect® dashboard for convenient accessibility. This enables simple editing and ongoing data maintenance, guaranteeing up-to-date and accurate information.

  • Export GTFS Static Data

    The data generated is structured in GTFS Static format, making it available for export to city authorities for governance, planning and distribution to 3rd parties. It can also be integrated into third-party trip planning applications like Google Maps.

T1 Enroute

With our T1 Enroute transit service you easily start the process of digitalizing your public transport system. This service is the first step in creating GTFS Static feeds. It will help you to understand the static topology data of your transit network, and serve as the foundation for collecting data from vehicles operating on routes.

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T2 Performances

Our T2 Performance transit service gives you essential insights into the topology of your transit network, fleet performance, and service efficiency. This allows you to make informed and impactful governance decisions, driving improvements in the public transportation system, including optimizing resources and enhancing service quality. 

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T3 Schedules

With our T3 Schedules transit service,  you can create Dynamic GTFS Schedules (DGS) or adjust frequency time bands and vehicle counts to customize your schedules. Our platform and algorithms use historical data and service performance to generate an initial schedule, which you can choose to accept or fine-tune to suit your specific requirements.

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Transit service packages

Our transit service packages are designed to facilitate high utilization of your data, catering to your needs.

  • In our GTFS Static package, you'll discover T1 Enroute, T2 Performance, T3 Schedules, and T4 GTFS Static transit services. This comprehensive package equips you with the necessary tools to effortlessly generate GTFS Static files, laying the groundwork for the creation of GTFS Realtime data.

  • Within our GTFS Realtime package, you will find a range of transit services, including T1 Enroute, T2 Performance, T3 Schedules, T4 GTFS Static, and T5 GTFS Realtime. This comprehensive package provides you with all the essential tools required to easily create and distribute GTFS Realtime feeds.

  • Our Operations package offers the full spectrum of our transit services, encompassing T1 Enroute, T2 Performance, T3 Schedules, T4 GTFS Static, T5 GTFS Realtime, and T6 Operations. These services are essential for effective operations control, enabling you to manage your entire vehicle fleet successfully.

Service packages

More riders. More revenue.

T5 GTFS Realtime

Optimize operations

T6 Operations

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